Partners and projects

Some current and recent examples of our funded projects include:

  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) – programme grant for applied research: CHAMP-1 Community Pharmacy Highlighting Alcohol use in Medication.

  • Transformation Fund, London Metropolitan University: Barriers and facilitators to adherence to COVID-19 lockdown measures in north London communities.


Research projects and funding, 2019–21

Members of the Health and Behaviour Research Centre, and its previous iteration as the Centre for Primary Health and Social Care, were awarded the following grants:


  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) – programme grant for applied research: CHAMP-1 Community Pharmacy Highlighting Alcohol use in Medication.
    Co-investigator: Prof Duncan Stewart in collaboration with the University of York

  • Transformation Fund, London Metropolitan University: £24,387 to support a project on mental health and Covid-19 in north London communities and further work in collaboration with the charity Fight4Change to improve the mental health of Lambeth residents via the piloting of this project; and a Cancer Medication Adherence Project in collaboration with Breast Cancer Now and Dr Zoe Moon (Kings’ College).
    Investigators: Dr Yolanda Eraso, Dr Stephen Hills


  • Transformation Fund, London Metropolitan University: £17,296 to support the Health Economics Research Group, a research collaboration between the Guildhall School of Business and Law and the School of Social Professions. Applying economic theory and econometric analysis, this group studies health issues and health interventions through the lens of economic efficiency and equity.
    Investigators: Dr Stephen Hills, Dr Nirmala Lee, Dr Sharka Vokelova, Dr Yolanda Eraso

  • Dr Cath Madziva, Rescaling Fund, London Metropolitan University: £4,650 for a qualitative study investigating clay ingestion in Asian and African women.