Higher Education Research Group (HERG) members are currently working on a number of research projects, funded by a small internal rescaling grant:
- The role of third space professionals in improving the student experience: UK and international contexts. This project is being led by Professor Jan Bamford, Elena Moschini and Cecile Tschirhart.
- The experiences of staff and students with the tourism and events subject areas during the Covid 19 pandemic. This project is being led by Professor Jan Bamford and supported by colleagues in the International Tourism Masters Network in Germany, Portugal and other UK higher education institutions (HEIs).
- The gamification of extra-curricula activities, the role of students as co-creators and designers. This project is led by Professor Jan Bamford and Elena Moschini.
- The internationalisation of the curriculum and role of digitisation in enhancing internationalisation at home: international perspectives. This project is led by Professor Jan Bamford and supported by the International Tourism Masters Network.
- Implementing Educational for Social Justice – reviewing the training process and its contribution to inclusive curriculum and pedagogical development. This project is led by Professor Digby Warren and Dr Zainab Khan.
- Exploring gamification and student co-design in international contexts.
- The challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic for teaching: international perspectives.

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Research projects and funding, 2019–21
- Prof Jan Bamford
Rescaling Funds, London Metropolitan University: £5,500 to develop activities relating to the internationalisation of higher education, embedding an international, cross-disciplinary and cross institutional approach to research activity for the Higher Education Research Group (HERG) - Prof Sheelagh Heugh
Rescaling Fund, London Metropolitan University: £4,705 for a joint project to design and test the effectiveness of reusable masks for non-surgical medical areas. With Prof Jameel Inal