Representation and folk tales in game design

About this event  

We showcased some of the recent designs produced by undergraduate game students, who were encouraged to reflect on character representation in their work.   

As one of their assignments, students took part in a game jam we organised as part of the Imagine-If festival, where their brief was to create a mini-game inspired by a folktale of their choosing.  Game jams offered opportunities for teamwork, creative freedom, time-constrained development and collaborative design.  The folktales chosen by the cohort originated from Germany, Lithuania, Greece, Holland, Cameroon, Arabia, Brazil and Japan, showcasing our students’ cultural diversity and willingness to express themselves and their ideas. 

Selection of characters & environments by games students.

Image: Selection of characters and environments by games students, moving away from traditional stereotypical character representation. Credit: Artwork collection by BSc Games Programming and BSc Games Animation. Modelling and Effects cohorts.

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Date/time Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 11.00am
Book ticket Event ended
Location In-person

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