Starting to see the world with a fresh pair of eyes? Have we been too willing to accept that the emperor had new clothes? A more inclusive, just and equitable world is possible if we imagine it together!
Image: Outside Archway Station after a storm. Photo credit: Ivan Roman Orgaz
Project team
Ivan Roman Orgaz (SCDM)
More about the project
Democracy is not a given, but something that must be defended, or it will be replaced by a different model – perhaps less egalitarian.
The aims of this project are to stimulate critical citizenship and expand participants' sense of agency, using popular culture as a vehicle for expression.
The work is underpinned by the London Met Education for Social Justice Framework for inclusive leadership, and pilot workshops are being delivered to Level 3 and Level 4 student cohorts.
At this early stage, the feedback received is very encouraging, showing that participants can quickly relate to the themes that appear in the session. Student feedback also highlights the disruption of the authoritarian discourse and welcomes the co-creation of meaning in the classrooms, with staff and students as partners.
The development of healthy scepticism and an ability to read the world critically remain major challenges - and this is both the project's biggest obstacle and its strongest motivation.