Architecture and Cultural Continuity

"Architecture and Cultural Continuity: Building Festival, Experience, and Historicity" is a book project scheduled to be published by Bloomsbury in 2025. The book opens with a comprehensive study of the Festival of San Giovanni in Florence, establishing the ontological nature of similar events. It then introduces specific terminology from anthropology and performance studies to explore architecture in Florence and other parts of the world.

The aim is to highlight the significance of 'cultural continuity' to architecture, in both festival contexts and as a part of everyday life. The final section of the book presents case studies from different continents and historical periods to demonstrate how architecture, viewed in this manner, can contribute more effectively to future communities, whether as part of a festival or in other contexts.

 Map of Beirut showing the location of Beit Beirut (Christian Frost)

Image: Map of Beirut showing the location of Beit Beirut (Christian Frost) 

Project Details

Project team

Prof. Christian Frost


Royal Institute of British Architects 
Birmingham City University 
London Metropolitan University 

