Postgraduate Research Training Programme 2023-24

Check out some of the postgraduate research training sessions we have prepared for you this year:

DateTimeSession titleSession lead(s)
23 October 2pm What should you achieve in the design phase? Klaus Fischer
24 October 10.30am Navigating your Research Degree: stages, forms and Doctoral Studies Weblearn Oliver Brooks
25 October 2pm Making the most of online resources, and managing your references using Zotero Denise Adams and Carmel Carroll
26 October 10am Working with your supervisor Jacek Scarso
31 October 10am Introduction to research writing Sandra Sinfield and Tom Burns
8 November 2pm The viva Jessica Kelly
9 November 11am Entering your final year as a Research Student: What you need to know? Oliver Brooks
15 November 10am Writing a Literature Review Ahmet Erdi Ozturk
9 February
What should you achieve in the design phase
Klaus Fischer
14 February
Research Degree Success: Key Stages, Forms, and Navigating Doctoral Studies
Oliver Brooks
15 February
Introduction to Library resources and Special Collections
Lynn Crothall and Peter Fisher
22 February
Maximising Online Resources and Managing References with Zotero
Denise Adams and Carmel Carroll
28 February
Getting the most out of your RSPG submission
Kenneth White
5 March
Research ethics
Samantha Banbury
6 March
Writing Retreat for Researchers
Mabel Encinas
7 March
Analysing Research Data for Doctoral Thesis and Publication: The Statistical Evidence
Jonathan Iworiso
12 March
Introduction to Research Writing
Nigel Caldwell
14 March
Reproducible Research and Methodological Reform
Wendy Ross
19 March
Transferring from a Master's to a Research Degree (for prospective students)
Jessica Kelly
20 March
Working with your supervisor
Bal Virdee
21 March
Writing your confirmation viva
Mesfin Habtom
24 April

Introduction to Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis

Professor Violeta Rossana Perez-del-aguila
25 April 11am

Mastering Qualitative Data: Analysis Techniques and Nvivo

Dr Lisa Cerutti
9 May 11am

Creating a Conference Poster and Conference Abstract

Dr Wendy Ross
20 May 12pm Preparing for Your Viva Professor Chris Chandler / Dr Mesfin Habtom
20 May 2pm Employability: Career Options after Completing your Research Degree Tiffany Platt
23 May 11am

Using LinkedIn to Support You with Your Job Search

Tiffany Platt
30 May 10am

One to One Bookable Careers Guidance Appointments

Tiffany Platt
4 June 11am

Gaining a Teaching Qualification and the HEA Standard

Santanu Vasant

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