How do I apply?
Visit our the relevant course page, click "Apply now" and select a start date in order to begin your application.
What is a proposal?
The research proposal is a very important part of the application. The proposal will help us to understand your research interests and determine whether we have sufficient expertise in the area to provide adequate supervision for your project.
The proposal allows us to assess the potential of the research project and will serve as an indicator of your ability to undertake doctoral studies. The initial proposal you submit will not commit you to an irrevocable course of research, but rather it will serve as a foundation for further developing the research.
Find out more information about writing a proposal.
How much are the fees?
Please see the course page for updated fees.
When can I start?
There are two points of entry in either October or February. Please see our course page for application deadlines.
What is distance learning?
Distance learning involves spending part of each year at London Met and part of the year away from the University, probably in your country of residence. Supervisors and students keep in regular contact through face-to-face meetings as well as through email and other electronic means.
Can I do an online PhD?
A PhD is unlike an undergraduate or taught Masters degree. For an MPhil/PhD, the student must conduct original, independent research. How this is done will depend on the area of research and the methods agreed with the supervisors. Some of the research and employability skills training may be undertaken on-line.
What research areas/subjects are available?
London Met offers a wide range of subject areas. A good place to start looking is to consult the Research centres, units and institutes page to find out about the research being undertaken and at London Met. Through our supervisor search, you can contact staff members whose research interests are complementary to yours.
What is the difference between an MPhil and a PhD?
The MPhil and the PhD are both research degrees. They are awarded by the University after the successful presentation of a thesis based on an original piece of research completed under the supervision of University staff.
Students generally register for an MPhil degree and then apply to transfer to a PhD.
To obtain a PhD, the candidate is expected to investigate a topic and make an original contribution to knowledge. Research at MPhil level should represent an extension of existing knowledge, although the demands of originality and sustained enquiry are less than those for a PhD.
How long will my studies take?
A full-time student normally reaches the standard for MPhil within two years of registration and for PhD within three years.
The minimum and maximum periods of registration are as follows:
- minimum: 18 months
- maximum: 36 months
- minimum: 30 months
- maximum: 54 months
PhD (via transfer from MPhil registration and including the period
of MPhil registration)
- minimum: 24 months
- maximum: 48 months
- minimum: 36 months
- maximum: 72 months