Guildhall School of Business and Law

Offering a dynamic and relevant portfolio of business and law courses.

The Guildhall School of Business and Law at London Metropolitan University offers a dynamic and relevant portfolio of challenging business, management, law, language, translation and interpreting courses. These equip our graduates with the knowledge and skills they need to accelerate their professional careers. Expert lecturers, industry consultants and research support our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Gain accreditation

Leading professional bodies accredit many courses from the School, including the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), The Law Society and The Bar Council.

Benefit from national and international networks

London Met is one of just 22 institutions in the world that is a member of the United Nations Network, providing language students with learning opportunities and specialist training with UN officials and experts. The School has links with businesses who support our students. This support comes in the form of work placements and internships, delivering guest lectures and providing work-based projects. We place great emphasis on developing the employability of our graduates and our connections with many organisations, both nationally and internationally, can help you secure high calibre work opportunities.

Learn using specialist facilities and software

We are one of the few universities to offer business students the chance to directly use Bloomberg data, information and analytics. We are a member of the Conférence Internationale Permanente D'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI), which works with professional companies to help provide our translation and interpreting students with key development opportunities. Law students can benefit from a fully functional mock courtroom and all students can gain advice, support, networks, knowledge and resources from the University’s business incubator, Accelerator.

Undergraduate courses in our Guildhall School of Business and Law


Postgraduate courses in our Guildhall School of Business and Law


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