London Met Students' Union

The Students’ Union (London Met SU) is an independent, democratic organisation that voices the views and concerns of our students on a range of issues relating to the University and the wider community. Each and every student has the opportunity to stand and be elected to one of the student sabbatical roles, so if you’re keen to gain experience working for a large and influential organisation, or would like to help make key decisions about the University, getting involved with the Students’ Union is a great way to do it.

The Students’ Union is also the place to go for student groups, sports clubs, TOTUM cards (the new name for NUS extra discount cards), Oyster and Railcard discounts, setting up and getting involved in campaigns, and independent advice on academic issues.

You're already a member!

Once you've enrolled at London Met, you become a member of the Students' Union.

Plenty of ways to get involved in student life

There's a whole range of student groups to join at London Met, whatever you're interested in. You'll find cultural and faith-based societies as well as those related to courses and plenty of unusual ones too. If none of these catch your eye it’s always possible to set up your own. We also offer a wide range of sports clubs from football to volleyball, so there is really something for everyone.


University is one of the best places to rally together and fight for a cause you believe in, whether it’s an issue concerning welfare, health or tuition fees. If there’s something you feel strongly about, the Students’ Union can act as a pressure group to campaign for awareness and change both on a local and national level.

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