Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS)
We provide a range of services to help you if you have a disability, a long-term medical or mental health condition or specific learning differences such as dyslexia. Some of the areas where we can give specialist support include:
- Special examination arrangements (such as extra time in exams)
- Help with finding an academic support worker
- Screening if you think you may have a specific learning difference
- Assistance to apply for study-related funding
Take a look at our Disabilities and Dyslexia Service (DDS) pages for more information.
Personal and emotional life
Everyone needs support from time to time and it’s best to seek it before situations become too problematic. Our team of professional counsellors offer confidential counselling on a wide range of emotional difficulties and also help you transform your life, by developing and maximising your potential.
The team also offers guidance with mental health difficulties and runs workshops and groups on areas such as: motivation, confidence-building, stress management, exam anxiety, relaxation, meditation, personal development and many more.
Visit our counselling pages for more information.
Academic advice and representation
Academic advice, student representation and support is provided by the Students’ Union. It offers appointments and drop-ins at all sites. The Students’ Union is an independent, democratic organisation overseen by a Board of Trustees, supported by a team of elected officers and professional staff.
Visit the Students' Union pages.
Where can I find out more?
Current students can find general information, advice and guidance on any of the areas listed on our Student Zone pages or you can come and see us at one of our Student hubs.
Download the Your Student Services guide
"I have experienced dramatic and positive changes since my first counselling session and I am now finding it easier to cope with my problems and do better on my course."
Year 1 student