Chevening scholarships

Chevening and London Metropolitan University would like to welcome applications from international (non-EU) students who are considering a full-time master's programme in the UK.

Application guidance

This guidance applies specifically to Chevening Scholarships. Before submitting your application for a Chevening Scholarship, it is recommended that you read the following guidance:

When will I find out if my application is successful?

Chevening will inform successful candidates wishing to take up their scholarship after terms and conditions are agreed.

Where can I get more information and help with my application?

Please refer to the Chevening website or contact the University's International Team at

Image of previous Chevening scholarship students

At a glance

Maximum value: Award as stipulated by Chevening 
Open to: International applicants
Studying at level: Master's (full-time)
The information on this page applies to the following academic years (as indicated): 2024/25
Deadline to apply: 7th November 2023